What are Plug N Play hot tubs?
At the Splash we have quite a few variations of Plug n Play hot tubs. We sell quite a few of them because of their versatility . Some clients are looking for a hot tub that is smaller, or maybe they only have a limited power supply at their house. Or perhaps they have a smaller budget to work with. That is the beauty of the plug n plays….they appeal to a wide range of customers.
Here is the Image plug n play that is our top seller. It is an acrylic hot tub that has a gfci cord that literally plugs into a 120 outlet plug. Once in place, you add water and turn it on. They come in a variety of shapes from rectangle, circle, square or triangle. These models can also be used with 240V hard wire as well.
If you use 120V the heater will not engage when you have the jets on, but if you hard wire it at 240V then the heater does engage when the jets are on.
Should I get a salt hot tub? What are the benefits of a salt hot tub?
What is an ozonator or UV Light? Why would I need a UV Light or Ozone for my hot tub?
Let’s have a look at how one or both of these tools can help keep your water clean and safe, and save you money.
OZONATOR: A hot tub or pool ozonator splits passing-by oxygen molecules into two single atoms. Unhappy in this state, they quickly reform as oxygen (O2) OR a single atom attaches to an oxygen molecule, making an even more powerful ozone molecule (O3). Ozone then destroys and oxidizes bacteria, viruses and other organics in the pool or spa water.
UV Light: On the other hand, UltaViolet light, produced by the sun or in the case of a hot tub or pool, in a tubular bulb form, changes DNA in organisms so they can’t reproduce, thusly rendering them harmless.
A Corona Discharge (CD) Ozonator outperforms UV Light in one critical way: ozone cleans up its mess; UV Light does not.
UV Light sterilizer’s end result: water that is safe to swim in, but may appear cloudy.
Ozone’s end result: water that is not only safe to swim in, but also clearer.
Another bonus: Though a sanitizer (usually Bromine or Chlorine is still required to provide maximum bather protection), an Ozone or UVC system will reduce the amount of sanitizer needed to safely operate your spa or pool.
This is a good thing!
Maax hot tubs and swim spas provide both systems either as separate options or combined as CleanZoneUltra.
If you are currently operating a hot tub or swim spa without these products, chances are they can still be added on – no matter what brand of spa you’re using.
Call or email The Splash for more information.
What is the best hot tub insulation? What is the best environmentally friendly hot tub insulation?
What’s “green” about our Hot Tub and Swim Spa Insulation?
We’ve all heard about zero emissions standards for buildings, homes, vehicles, etc. So what does that have to do with hot tubs and swim spas?
First and foremost, FOAM IS BAD! Foam filling produces volatile organic compounds (VOCs’) which are harmful to the environment. Building codes and standards in many North American cities are promoting the move away from foam filled insulation for just that reason.
Our choice of Maax and Vita hot tubs and swim spas using the ecofriendly Northern Exposure® Insulation system featuring BlueMaax® insulation.
So what is BlueMaax® insulation?
- Made from recycled natural fibre (approved by the U.S. Green Building Council)
- Contains NO chemical irritants
- Treated with a borate-based solution to prevent mold/mildew growth
- Acts as a fire retardant
- Other benefits:
- More energy efficient by keeping the heat IN and circulating
- Vibration and sound dampening for pumps – who doesn’t want a quiet hot tub or swim spa?
- Easy access for servicing, no additional insulation required when the work is done
At The Splash we believe that green and efficient should what hot tub and swim spa construction is all about!
What is the best water care products to use for my hot tub?

The Mineraluxe Cube is a advanced mineral treatment for your hot tub and
is the star of the Mineraluxe system. It features a special blend of natural
minerals fused with advanced cleanse and repel technology that keeps your hot
tub squeaky clean and will dramatically reduce the scaling of heaters, jets,
surfaces and equipment.
The Cube’s are also infused with skin conditioners for a soft, silky feel and
fresh Spring Rain scent that invigorates the senses.
- The Star of the Mineraluxe system
- A fusion of Natural Minerals that cleanses and repels surface gunk
- Loosens debris and biofilm and prevents from reattaching
- Squeaky clean surfaces
- Reduces sanitizer demand for less chemical usage
- Maximizes comfort and enjoyment
- Infused with skin conditioners for a soft, silky feel
- Fresh “Spring Rain” scent
Dave and I both use Mineraluxe at our own homes and love it. It truly does work and gives you a much better quality of water. We have it in monthly, quarterly or yearly quantities. Mineraluxe work with either bromine or chlorine.
What are the benefits of getting a hot tub? Why Should I get a hot tub?
What are the benefits of getting a hot tub? Why Should I get a hot tub?
- Arthritis Relief: hydrotherapy (soaking in hot tub water) is a treatment for arthritis pain. It can also help with your body’s coordination and flexibility. The hot tub is also good for sore or stiff muscles.
- Improved Sleep: the heat of the hot tub water raises your body temperature. When you go to bed your body temperature will lower to enable a better nights sleep naturally without the grogginess of prescription remedies.
- Stress Relief: studies show that hydrotherapy can help relieve stress and ease anxiety.
- Massage Therapy: High pressure jets make the water give your body a soothing and stimulating effect similar to that of traditional massage therapy. Hot tub jets can target pain precisely.
- Family Ties: Spend quality time with your family! “I often think it s great time to get your kids without electronics and just connect”
- Social Time: Hot Tubs are a great time to get together with friends. Enjoy yourself outside in a relaxing setting.
- Investment: hot tubs can increase the value of your house. Adding another appliance to the house and making your backyard an oasis.
What do you have to do to drain a hot tub? What is drain prep?
What do you have to do to drain a hot tub? What is drain prep?
We recommend that you use a product called drain prep before draining your hot tub. Drain Prep will clean your hot tub plumbing and other hidden surfaces. It will release and and digest organics to give you a cleaner hot tub. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujPGM1k5sCI
• All natural blend of;
o Powerful surfactants – ‘release’
o concentrated enzymes – ‘digest’
• Nature’s way of biodegrading organics
o Body oils, greases, cosmetics
o Biofilm
o Organic accumulations
• End result is water and CO2
o Safe to pump away to drain or lawn
• Also cleans scum-line and other hot tub
• Prior to draining
• Time allows product to release and digest
more thoroughly
o Day before draining in routine
o 2 days before draining when;
❧ Cleaning up biofilm
❧ Used for 1st time
❧ After other problems
• Heavy foaming
• Bad odours
• Visible organic
Maintain heated temperature
• Remove filter cartridge(s)
• Apply product directly to water
• Operate pump at least 5 minutes with;
o Diverter valves neutral
o All jets operational (air off)
o Waterfalls and other features
• Foaming will occur – turn pump on and
and off to control
How Much?
• Use 750 mls per application
• Water may not look good after
application – ‘releasing effect’