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by splashadmin
For centuries, people have traveled to hot springs to bathe in the mineral-rich waters and experience their restorative powers. These hot springs are prized for their ability to improve health and wellness in a relaxing and natural way. Now you can enjoy those same transformative properties without ever leaving the peace and comfort of your backyard. By adding the benefits of a salt water hot tub to your everyday life, you can more frequently enjoy complete relaxation, avoid the harsh odors, itchy skin or eyes that can happen with a chlorine tub, and minimize the time you spend on cleaning and maintenance.
One of the biggest benefits of a salt water hot tub compared to a chlorine tub is its ability to eliminate the unpleasant side effects of chlorine. Many people wish to avoid odors from chlorine and the itchy effects on eyes and skin that some people experience. With a salt water system, you get the more natural feeling, warm and soothing water with several technological advantages shown here.
A salt water system in your hot tub makes the water feel more natural and comfortable for everyday use. With the softer water experience with less chance of skin or eye irritation from chlorine.
A salt water hot tub supports your active lifestyle by bringing hydrotherapy into your home. Hot tubs relieve the pressure on muscles and help loosen joints, while also improving circulation. By incorporating hot tub sessions into your exercise routine, you can relax and rejuvenate your body between workouts.
Part of leading a healthy lifestyle is maintaining a healthy environment. Thankfully, salt water hot tubs from Hot Spring® spas are eco-friendlier than their traditional chlorine counterparts. That’s because you only need to change the water once a year with normal use. Less water usage and less chemical usage mean salt water systems are easier on you, your family and the environment.
Most home owners want to spend more time enjoying their hot tub than they do maintaining it. Here again, salt water hot tubs produce some tremendous benefits.
With a salt water system with Hot Spring® spas, you take the guesswork out of water care. With a little salt added to the spa water, the system generates chlorine automatically and reduces your time spent measuring and adding chemicals. Plus, advanced spas let you monitor the sanitizing system with an intuitive control panel. This simplified system takes the work out of hot tub maintenance so you can focus on improving your health and well-being.
Hot tubs in general are the perfect way to bring a calming, relaxing experience into your home. Strong chlorine odors, itchy eyes and dry skin don’t belong at a natural hot spring, so it shouldn’t be part of your attempt to recreate that experience at home. If you’re after the experience of a soaking in a natural hot spring at your home, you should look at a salt water hot tub.
The Hot Spring FreshWater® Salt Water System represents extraordinary value for your investment, especially since you’ll use your spa more often when it’s always ready for you. The FreshWater Salt System is available from Hot Spring® Highlife®, and Limelight® Collection spa models. Visit the Splash Hot Tubs in Edgemont Village to see the FreshWater Salt System System in action today. You can also download a brochure or request an easy price quote.
Let’s have a look at how one or both of these tools can help keep your water clean and safe, and save you money.
OZONATOR: A hot tub or pool ozonator splits passing-by oxygen molecules into two single atoms. Unhappy in this state, they quickly reform as oxygen (O2) OR a single atom attaches to an oxygen molecule, making an even more powerful ozone molecule (O3). Ozone then destroys and oxidizes bacteria, viruses and other organics in the pool or spa water.
UV Light: On the other hand, UltaViolet light, produced by the sun or in the case of a hot tub or pool, in a tubular bulb form, changes DNA in organisms so they can’t reproduce, thusly rendering them harmless.
A Corona Discharge (CD) Ozonator outperforms UV Light in one critical way: ozone cleans up its mess; UV Light does not.
UV Light sterilizer’s end result: water that is safe to swim in, but may appear cloudy.
Ozone’s end result: water that is not only safe to swim in, but also clearer.
Another bonus: Though a sanitizer (usually Bromine or Chlorine is still required to provide maximum bather protection), an Ozone or UVC system will reduce the amount of sanitizer needed to safely operate your spa or pool.
This is a good thing!
Maax hot tubs and swim spas provide both systems either as separate options or combined as CleanZoneUltra.
If you are currently operating a hot tub or swim spa without these products, chances are they can still be added on – no matter what brand of spa you’re using.
Call or email The Splash for more information.
by splashadmin
Why do I need “to shock” my hot tub?
The main reason anyone shocks their hot tub is to clean the water as follows:
Types of Shock:
There are 2 types of shock treatments.
Normally used after very heavy use, or after a fresh water change to bring the chlorine/bromine level higher.
A chlorine shock will raise your chlorine levels and therefore you may have to wait a while for levels to return to 3 – 5ppm. You must leave your cover off for at least 20 minutes and run a regular jet cycle to let your hot tub aerate. This will help prevent chemical damage on the cover and pillows of your hot tub.
You can still use a chlorine shock even if you use a bromine sanitizer, however, you should never mix chemicals dry. Add the chlorine shock after a water change or heavy use and wait for the chlorine level to reduce before adding your bromine.
A non-chlorine shock does not sanitize the water which is why its main use is as a weekly treatment to oxidize the water and help remove contaminants and clear cloudy water. Non-chlorine shock will help your chlorine work better by creating ‘Free chlorine’ which is the type of chlorine needed to kill bacteria. This product will also help those on bromine to activate the bromine and help it work more effectively.
At Splash we recommend using Dazzle “shock” products. Mention this blog article when you come in to our Edgemont store for a 15% discount! Happy shocking!
What’s “green” about our Hot Tub and Swim Spa Insulation?
We’ve all heard about zero emissions standards for buildings, homes, vehicles, etc. So what does that have to do with hot tubs and swim spas?
First and foremost, FOAM IS BAD! Foam filling produces volatile organic compounds (VOCs’) which are harmful to the environment. Building codes and standards in many North American cities are promoting the move away from foam filled insulation for just that reason.
Our choice of Maax and Vita hot tubs and swim spas using the ecofriendly Northern Exposure® Insulation system featuring BlueMaax® insulation.
So what is BlueMaax® insulation?
At The Splash we believe that green and efficient should what hot tub and swim spa construction is all about!
The Mineraluxe Cube is a advanced mineral treatment for your hot tub and
is the star of the Mineraluxe system. It features a special blend of natural
minerals fused with advanced cleanse and repel technology that keeps your hot
tub squeaky clean and will dramatically reduce the scaling of heaters, jets,
surfaces and equipment.
The Cube’s are also infused with skin conditioners for a soft, silky feel and
fresh Spring Rain scent that invigorates the senses.
Dave and I both use Mineraluxe at our own homes and love it. It truly does work and gives you a much better quality of water. We have it in monthly, quarterly or yearly quantities. Mineraluxe work with either bromine or chlorine.
by splashadmin
At the Splash 99% of our customers use bromine for their hot tubs. Why do we recommend bromine?
We generally recommend bromine over chlorine for the following reasons:
Check out the charts below. At perfect PH bromine is 94% effective where as chlorine is only 50% effective. you need to have really acidic water, which is not good for the hot tub to get highly effective chlorine. bromine is superior.
What are the benefits of getting a hot tub? Why Should I get a hot tub?